제목 Taewon Electric, Samsung LED and Business Cooperation Agreement 09.09.2010 (Yonhap News)
(AGI) must not dilute reporter

Lighting manufacturers of Taewon Electric announced that it has signed a cooperation agreement for nine days on the Samsung LED and LED lighting business.

This project is a cooperative agreement combines integrated business information suggesting the deployment of lighting technology and LED light source in Samsung LED Lighting Technology and replaceable independently owned Taewon electricity.

The two companies have agreed to collaborate across design and development, manufacturing, sales and installation, including all areas of the LED lighting business.

Samsung LED agreed more consistently and responsibly in acquiring a stake of 15% in the last Taiyuan electricity in order to maintain a cooperative relationship.

Taiyuan Electric officials assessed that "this collaboration will be a business model that maximizes LED-related technology and business know-how to fill the missing part of each other in the field of synergies between large companies and SMEs".

Founded in 1984, General Electric is a professional lighting company, Taewon production and development of high-efficiency lighting products, delivery and installation, inspection, and has also won several awards in international design.

LED lighting market is expected to grow by an annual average of 46% in the global market by 2015 from this year.



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