제목 Installing Samsung LED, served with a partner, then ... LED lighting in child care facilities

[Economy Today Samsung LED (Representative Kim Jae Wook) is right for Samsung Volunteer Festival 'periods, said 12 days, the light in the light of the mutual society' together with partner companies that carry out activities.

This activity is going to mean much in terms of SMEs and Samsung LED is volunteer led together with the domestic LED industry. Samsung LED day, Kim Jae Wook, president and Taiyuan electricity, including five partners vena Techwin representative, dozens of employees were environmental improvements in the child care facility is located in Suwon, Gyeonggi Copper circle.

In particular by replacing the children study room with eco-friendly LED lighting Samsung has created LED and suppliers joined forces and made with healthy children can stay in a comfortable living environment.

Going forward, Samsung LED has expanded the variety of social contribution activities for the underprivileged excavation, and also plans to review progress on ways to continue with them as partners.

Samsung LED, partners and volunteers lead

Okjin reporters times withok@dt.co.kr

Samsung LED (Representative Kim Jae Wook) said that the 12 days proceeding the 'activity' of light in the light of the mutual society with the right partner for Samsung Volunteer Festival period.

Samsung LED day was replaced by President Kim Jae Wook and five Taiyuan, such as electricity, vena Techwin representative partners, employees dozens of people attended the study room of the child care facility for eco-friendly Copper LED light source.

◆ Photo: Kim Jae Wook, president of Samsung LED (left) and yiseyong Taiyuan Electric representatives are smiling brightly and installing LED lights on the children study room
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