제목 Taewon Electric Industrial 'Design Award at the 13th Republic of Korea, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy Minister Award


Taewon Electric Industrial ㈜ the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and organized by Korea Institute of Design Promotion is organized by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said 24 days that it has won the Award at the 13th Republic of Korea Design Award '.

Domestic design industry boasts the highest authority in the Republic of Korea Design Award is a creative design management and design development and management, increasing the competitiveness of national industries through the design was created to foster a spirit.

Taewon Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. has established a design management system company-wide cultivation of talent combines the expertise to continue and Jean designed with state-of-the-art, using the production facilities focusing its attention to meet the more varied customer needs You.

Design consultant Michael Parr of the British "defines a means design issues Design Management, and the most suitable one that allows you to work it out designers in finding out the scope of the given time and budget" and, in performing this reason the design management is needed the

First, in charge of design, project management, and secondly, in accordance with the Directive on designs ready to establish a design deadlines and costs, he has argued that because the data needs to be overseeing the work progress.

Thus design management believes despite utilize common business management and management theory is quite different. There is a tendency in business management to measure the amount of benefits often appears whether the operation was successful as a result of any action. Once that is successful and a lot of profit, it alleged failure inside the deficit. In contrast, a design management is to measure the quality of the design work and completing. Whether designs were imported and how much profit is a secondary consideration.

In fact, the majority of designers, rather than dwell on what did reap a huge success commercially, and they design the product, leave more interested in the evaluation of fellow designers or design industry. The commercial success of the market is important, but to create a design that can be permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art, which will be called the ultimate desire of the designer.

Therefore, work attitude of the designer can be represented as a "quality rather than quantity. It would be pointless if two days is qualitatively superior to none even figured how quickly invent some design inside a unit of time. In fact, the possibility hanmyeongui designers to bring higher productivity in the development of superior design side than a dozen incompetent designer can be said as much. Therefore, design management should consider "quality, not quantity Games games.

Depending on the domestic LED commercially available since 2006 and invested heavily in LED lighting design, put an excellent performance in various countries / outside design awards, was exhibited at the 2010 Tokyo International Design Fair to grow as the global LED lighting company in 2012, Frankfurt We offer International Lighting Expo.

  As well as domestic and forward design, and enterprise-wide movement under the recognition that the most important point is differentiated design in order to grow as a global company, committed to growth in the global LED lighting design company with a differentiated design competition.

Finally, is awarded the Design Management Division Ministry of Knowledge Economy Ministry in the Republic of Korea Design Award glory, and based on the design management philosophy simply through design rather than the company selling the product increases customer satisfaction is the best to become a company that creates new value It will do.
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